The school is based in small but beautiful premises built in two phases (Phase 1 in 2016 and Phase 2 in 2022) just off Ringwood Drive in Pinelands, adjacent to a park where the children play at break-time. Physical education and assemblies take place at the Congregational Church hall across the road from the school and formal sports coaching takes place at Vista Nova High School a few hundred meters away.

School hours are:
Grade R: 7.50am to 12.45pm
Grade1: 7.50am to 1pm
Grade 2: 7.50am to 1pm (and 2.20pm on Tuesdays)
Grade 3: 7.50am to 2.20pm (except 1pm on Fridays)
Grade 4: 7.50am to 2.20pm (except 1pm on Fridays)
Grade 5: 7.50am to 2.20pm (except 1pm on Fridays)
Grade 6: 7.50am to 2.20pm (except 1pm on Fridays
Grade 7: 7.50am to 2.20pm (except 1pm on Fridays
We have an after-care facility onsite that runs until 5.30pm each day (contact the school for more fees and more information)
There will be a maximum of 18 children in each class. Small classes lend themselves to a better quality learning environment, to stronger relationships between peers and teachers and also provide a better platform for instilling confidence and support within, and for, each and every child.
Children must wear compulsory uniform items. A uniform list may be obtained from the school.